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Frustrations Of Trying To Move Out

You know what is very frustrating? A lot of things. 
I was doing my google searching, something that I do quite often. 
My Google search topic was "25, broke, and can't move out" 
It came up with a lot of different topics and articles but none of which could really help me. 
I changed up my search topic. "I work full time and can't afford to move out" 
Which came up with several different topics. 
I scanned them and saw a few that took to my interest. 
I was reading a question that someone had about renting a place of their own which they couldn't really afford. Many of the people told them "get a roommate" 
There's an issue with that. Several in fact. 
For instance, not many people can just "get a roommate" you have to think of the ones that don't have friends to room with or significant others. Yes you could just find some random person to room with. Then there are trust issues with that. What if they're actually closet creepers out to get you or what if you move in and your stuff starts to randomly go missing? What if you move in with them and you just end up in a big fight or if they screw you over? I have heard so many stories about one of the roommates screwing the other person over. I have also heard that a main issue with having roommates is the food. Which I get it and food can be quite costly, so see that go missing is not cool. 
I also heard one story where two friends got a place together and the one friend ended up paying for all the bills while the other one just worked and didn't pay up. 
Endless issues with a roommate. 

Roommates aside, what is another way you could move out?
Save up, right?
That seems to be a good common "go figure" type of answer. Now lets say that you saved enough money to move out to an apartment about three months worth, including your first and last month's rent but you still have the same full time job that didn't pay you enough to move out on your own in the first place. You're screwed, right? Unless you get a better paying job. Now, let's say that the only way you can get a better job is if you moved to a completely different place and find a better job there. That's a good route to take but then you would actually need to save up even more money in order to do so and your time is ticking away. You're running out of time, you need more money to move, and on top of that, you need to find a far away job which requires more of your time to look for one plus it takes more planning. 
You have to do something though. You can't just stay with your parents forever, even though you do feel like they would enjoy it. 
So you're stuck in this vicious circle on trying to things but do them quickly and efficiently because your time is running out and its time for you to move on with your life. 
Okay, so getting a better paying job is out of the question until you move but what about a second job? That could work, right? Having a full time job plus a second job. Yeah, just no. If you want to work yourself to death on a little bit above minimum wage job and a minimum wage job. That might could work but I do not have time for that because I have a dog to take care of. 
Oh yeah, that's another factor to include. If you have any pets that you intend to take with you. It plays a big part of which apartment you could get plus you have the added pet fees. Also you have to save up even more for them, then you also have to take some time off to get your pet adjusted to the new place, unless you have a cat. Cats are easy going and lazy, you shouldn't really have much of an issue with that. 
Dogs however, require more time and effort to adjust, especially if they're not used to being indoors all of the time. 
With all of that being said, what do you do? You look for easy online jobs so you can try to make money where you can. So you do a search and you look at the articles. Most of them say pretty much the same thing but every now and then you'll get one or two that may say something different but the rest of the suggestions are the same. And to be honest, some of them aren't even good ideas. I read one that suggested taking out a car loan or a payday loan. Which is a terrible idea. You want to be debt free not in debt. Being in debt carries more issues than its worth. I know this for a fact because its something I have been dealing with. Which I'll write on that topic at a later date. 

In my twenties, living at home with my parents, having a full time job that doesn't pay enough to move out, having a dog that requires a lot of medical attention, no real roommates, has bills to pay, and has to move to a different city to get a better paying job and running out of time.
What are my solutions to this issue?
Thus far... 
Save where I can. 
Budget! Budget! Budget!!!!!!!
Learn new skills that can land me a better career. 
Time management. 

This of course is a working progress which I'll be updating my progress on here or lack of progress. Whichever will happen. (Hoping for the progress) Either way you'll get updates. 
Here's to figuring out life and it's many frustrations! *Cheers* 


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