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Showing posts from September, 2017

Tip on Budgeting

Budget! Budget! BUDGET!!!! One of those words you definitely can get tired of hearing. It’s so repetitive yet, so true. The better you budget, the better you can save up. Today I’m actually going to go over my budget and show you a little tip trick that I like to use. Which is paying bills in small payments on a weekly basis rather than pay a big chunk at a time on the due date. I'll go over it with you and use my budget as an example. Internet- $56.52 due on the 1st Cell Phone- $44.10 due on the 3rd Credit Card- $40 due on the 8th Car Insurance- $150.49 due on the 1st Online Sub- $4.99 due on the 28th Savings- $400 a month Gas- $80 a month Total- $696.10 a month Okay, since we’re already in the middle of September we will start with that. There are three weeks left of September, including this week. The first of October falls on a Sunday and I don’t get paid until Wednesday. I have a couple of bills that are due on the first of each month and then I have a couple

Frustrations Of Trying To Move Out

  You know what is very frustrating? A lot of things.  I was doing my google searching, something that I do quite often.  My Google search topic was "25, broke, and can't move out"  It came up with a lot of different topics and articles but none of which could really help me.  I changed up my search topic. "I work full time and can't afford to move out"  Which came up with several different topics.  I scanned them and saw a few that took to my interest.  I was reading a question that someone had about renting a place of their own which they couldn't really afford. Many of the people told them "get a roommate"  There's an issue with that. Several in fact.  For instance, not many people can just "get a roommate" you have to think of the ones that don't have friends to room with or significant others. Yes you could just find some random person to room with. Then there are trust issues with that. What if they